Background Behind Morgan's Transformation To Be Revealed In The Walking Dead Season 6

Echoing remarks he made during last month's Comic Con International: San Diego, The Walking Dead [...]

(Photo: AMC, Entertainment Weekly)

Echoing remarks he made during last month's Comic Con International: San Diego, The Walking Dead star Lennie James told Entertainment Weekly this week that the events which turned his zombie-slaughtering shut-in Morgan into a pacifist drifter will indeed be explored in the forthcoming season.

"There's a big question to answer about Morgan, both about the show but also for me in the playing of him," said James during a roundtable with reporters at Comic-Con. "There's a couple of dots to be joined that we haven't gotten to yet in the playing of him. So I'm kind of exploring that."

He added, "Sometimes, the most incendiary thing you can do is take a position of peace -- and Morgan on one level is going to stir things up by taking a passive position. As I said in the [panel], that's going to fly in the face of a few people's ideas of how you survive in this present world, and he's going to offer possibly an alternative that isn't exactly going to land in the way he hopes or expects it to land."

AMC's top-rated drama The Walking Dead returns in October. Between now and then, Fear the Walking Dead, the forthcoming spinoff series, will debut later this month.