British Broadcaster Gets In Trouble For Airing Walking Dead Ad During Kid's Film

Oops! A few Sunday afternoons in April, while some innocent little British children were watching [...]


Oops! A few Sunday afternoons in April, while some innocent little British children were watching the animated classic Rango (that movie where Johnny Depp was a lizard or whatever), a bloody ad showing hordes of the undead popped up during the commercial break, scaring them all to death.

Well, at least that's how we imagine it went down. Although Rango is a pretty terrifying movie on it's own, the last thing these kids (and probably their parents) expected to see was a slew of zombies.

Channel 4 has officially apologized for "accidentally" running a Fear the Walking Dead ad during what we like to call "family TV time." The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld three complaints about the ad and issued a statement:

"Channel 4 apologised for any distress this error may have caused and stated that they took their responsibilities as a broadcaster very seriously and were taking steps to improve how the application of timing restrictions were managed."

Channel 4 must now ensure ads that may cause distress to younger children are are "sensitively scheduled" in future.

Sorry, kids! Guess you'll have to stay up later now to catch any more zombie action on Channel 4.