D23 Expo 2017 Dates Announced

D23 Expo will return to the Anaheim Convention Center July 14-16, 2017, Disney announced Monday. [...]


D23 Expo will return to the Anaheim Convention Center July 14-16, 2017, Disney announced Monday. The convention, which the company puts on every-other year, makes the move to July from its typical August timeframe, putting it likely within one week of Comic-Con International: San Diego, up the road, though the latter hasn't officially announced 2017 dates yet.

The convention celebrates all things Disney, including Pixar, Lucasfilm's Star Wars (and now Indiana Jones), and Marvel. Advance tickets will be placed on sale one year ahead of the show, on July 14, 2016.

The 2017 D23 Expo follows the successful 2015 show, which brought stars from Disney film and TV, including Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Ellen DeGeneres, Chris Evans, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Daisy Ridley, and many more to Anaheim.

From the press release:

Advance tickets for D23 Expo 2017 will go on sale at D23Expo.com beginning July 14, 2016. D23 Members will receive special pricing on both one- and three-day tickets to the event, which is open to the general public. D23 Gold and Charter Members will also be entitled to special benefits at the 2017 Expo. Gold Members will also have an opportunity to purchase the Sorcerer Package, which provides a host of special benefits and amenities. Ticket prices will be announced this summer.

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