Game Of Thrones Gets An Honest Trailer

Just in time for the premiere of Game of Thrones Season 4, Screen Junkies has given the entire [...]

Game of Thrones

Just in time for the premiere of Game of Thrones Season 4, Screen Junkies has given the entire series an "Honest Trailer." The trailer successfully skewers all of the show's eccentricities in a pretty hilarious way. As they say at the video's start, the video is full of spoilers for season 1-3, but there's also a link to the spoiler free version so you can check that out instead. I think they pretty much sum everything up with the line, "From fiction's most notorious serial killer comes the TV adaptation of the medieval encyclopedia/Dungeon Master's Guide/porno that is Game of Thrones." Game of Thrones Season 4 premiers Sunday, April 6 on HBO.