The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale: Who Dies?

Spoiler Warning: Spoilers for Season 4 to date as well as for the comic book series. In addition [...]

The Walking Dead mid-season finaleSpoiler Warning:

Spoilers for Season 4 to date as well as for the comic book series. In addition to Lauren Cohan, the Talking Dead has a mystery Walking Dead cast member guest this weekend, which means that at least one major cast member is likely to die. Also, AMC did not screen the episode for the media, which is a pretty good indication that there are some big shockers on the episode. We're predicting that not one major character will die on the mid-season finale, but that multiple major characters will die. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised if there are less than six major characters left after the showdown at the prison. Here are our odds on who lives and who dies.

Hershel Greene – Judging from the mid-season finale promos, The Governor takes both Hershel Greene and Michonne hostage to use them as bargaining chips to try to get Rick and his group to give up the prison. If the TV series follows the comic books, then The Governor is likely to execute one or both of them to show Rick that he means business. Because we know that there are more storylines planned with Michonne, we think it will be Hershel that is killed if one of the two is to die. Odds of death: 2 to 1.

Michonne – While Michonne might be The Governor's hostage just like Hershel, we don't think that the Walking Dead writers are done telling her story. Hershel got his big feature storyline just a couple episodes ago, so it could be an indication that his story might be wrapping up. With Michonne, TV viewers still don't know the full story of her history and her pets. Plus, The Walking Dead writers have already killed off or exiled some of the strongest female characters, so it would be overkill to get rid of the strongest female character remaining on the show. Odds of death: 10 to 1.

Baby Judith – A zombie apocalypse is a rough place for a baby. With it looking like Rick and his group will soon be leaving the prison, dealing with a baby on the road could present some challenges to the storyline. In the comic book series, Baby Judith was killed during The Governor's attack on the prison, so we're betting the TV series follows suit. Odds of death: 2 to 1.

Rick Grimes – Rick is the central character of the series, but Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman has insisted that no one is safe. However, we think Rick might be the one person who is actually safe. Actors of Andrew Lincoln's caliber are not easy to replace. Of all the characters on the show, Rick is the least likely to die. Odds of death: 25 to 1.

Carl Grimes – Whether Carl could die is a tricky one to call. Chandler Riggs has been doing some of his best acting so far on the series this season. We get the feeling that there is a lot of storyline left for Carl, but we could also see Carl making the ultimate sacrifice to save Rick or Baby Judith. If Carl dies, he will likely die a hero, redeeming himself for shooting another kid who was putting down his weapon during Season 3. Odds of death: 5 to 1.

Beth Greene – If the TV series elects to follow the comic book series with Baby Judith getting killed, then someone has to be carrying Baby Judith when it happens. In the comic book series, Lori Grimes was carrying Baby Judith, but Lori is already gone on the TV series. Our prediction is that Beth subs for Lori in the TV series. Odds of death: 2 to 1.

Maggie Greene – Lauren Cohan plays Maggie, and since Cohan's the announced cast member on Talking Dead mid-season finale, she's got to be safe. Unless, announcing Cohan on the Talking Dead was just a clever trick to throw fans off the trail. In the comic book series, Glenn was killed off, so having Maggie die on the TV series could be an interesting twist. Maggie is our dark horse pick to be the surprise death during the mid-season finale. Odds of death: 3 to 1.

Daryl Dixon – As possibly the most popular character on the series, Daryl has been surprisingly in the background for Season 4 so far. Our guess is that the Walking Dead writers wouldn't kill Daryl off after having him barely appear in Season 4 so far. Odds of death: 20 to 1.

Glenn Rhee – At one point during the "Internment" episode, it really looked like Glenn was dead. If The Walking Dead writers decided to kill Glenn off now, it would be sort of anti-climatic since many thought he was going to die from the flu. Odds of death: 10 to 1.

Tyreese – While it would be good timing for Tyreese to die this episode if the TV series wants to follow the comic book series, we don't think Tyreese's time is up. Chad L. Coleman is a strong actor, who just now is starting to shine on the show. It would be too early to kill off Tyreese at this point in time. Odds of death: 10 to 1.

The Governor – We're pretty sure that The Governor won't make it to the end of Season 4. He was the main villain for all of Season 3 and had two of his own episodes in Season 4. The Governor's story is coming to an end. Our only question is whether he will actually be killed off in the mid-season finale or if there will be some type of cliffhanger to stretch his death out to the mid-season premiere. Odds of death: 1.5 to 1.

Sasha – Just like Glenn, it looked like Sasha was going to die in the "Internment" episode. With her having just survived the flu, the timing just doesn't feel right to have her killed off the series. However, she could be deemed expendable if the Walking Dead writers really want to up the death count for the mid-season finale. Odds of death: 5 to 1.