Watch: New Mom Shares Hilarious Video of Herself Wearing a Chewbacca Mask While in Labor

Another Chewbacca mom has found Internet fame.First-time mom Katie Curtis pushed through her labor [...]

Another Chewbacca mom has found Internet fame.

First-time mom Katie Curtis pushed through her labor pains with a Chewbacca mask on and the results are hilarious!

Curtis had the moment filmed and shared the video on Facebook. "Just because I'm about to be a mom doesn't mean I have to grow up!" the 32-year-old wrote. "#havingababy #pregnancyhairgrowth."

In the video, Curtis is in her hospital bed holding her belly through her contractions while her Star Wars mask turns her cries into Shyriiwook, the growling sounds of Wookiees.

She welcomed her daughter, Jayden, on Jan. 3 after a long 19 hours of labor. Curtis told Us Weekly she was inspired by Chewbacca Mom Candace Payne and knew it would make her hours of labor a little more bearable.

"Toward the end of my pregnancy, my brother got me the mask as a joke, hoping I would laugh my way into labor!" Curtis shared.

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