Power Rangers

This Is What Batman Would Look Like As A Power Ranger

Batman’s been everything from a Vampire to a Green Lantern, but now he’s tackling the world of […]

Batman’s been everything from a Vampire to a Green Lantern, but now he’s tackling the world of Power Rangers.

Videos by ComicBook.com

Cosplayer Trenton Brewer decided to bring the Dark Knight to the world of Power Rangers, specifically Power Rangers Zeo. Batman isn’t just going to become any Ranger, so Brewer paired him with the Gold Zeo Ranger, one of the most popular Rangers in the franchise.

The suit itself is all Gold Ranger, but Batman can’t ditch his trademark look completely, so he kept the familiar cowl. The whole look works extremely well, and while he isn’t wearing the helmet he is still holding it at his side. As a bonus, Brewer is also holding the Gold Ranger’s trademark weapon, the Golden Power Staff.

Knowing Batman’s he’s probably already made some modifications to it, making it even deadlier than before.

Brewer shared a few photos of the morphinominal cosplay, including one where Batman seems to be deciding between forms. “To morph or to Bat? That is the question ๐Ÿค”. Pic by @cosplay_of_sacramento.” That photo was taken by Cosplay of Sacramento.

The second photo comes courtesy of Drake Costa and shows off more of the suit and the Gold Ranger’s arsenal.

“When art becomes reality! Glad I was able to have a successful mashup of 2 of my favorite characters in pop culture bringing @artlife.82’s artwork to life as the Bat-Gold Ranger! Pic by @saeris.io #BatGoldRanger.”

Hmmm, gotta think of something a bit edgier name-wise than the Bat Gold Ranger. How about the Golden Knight? No, that doesn’t work…how about Golden Bat? Nope, okay, striking out here. The Gold Knight of Gotham? That’sway too long to say before a fight, so that doesn’t work either.

Oh well, we’ wi figure out something.

You can find the photos in the images above, and for more of Trenton Brewer’s work, you can head to his Instagram page or Twitter page. You can find Cosplay of Sacramento on Instagram and their official website. You can find Drake Costa’s work on Instagram as well.