Burnham makes a personal log about how she seems to have found a friend and a place on the Discovery, how the ship seems to have found a routine, and how the Discovery has turned the tide in the favor of the Starfleet in the war against the Klingons. Stamets has found new aspects of his personality, and Burnham has taken a particular interest in Ash Tyler. Burnham notes that tonight the Discovery will have a party.
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At the party, Burnham stands alone and awkward. She notes after a flickering in the lights that the Discovery should have redundancies in place to prevent that. Tyler makes a speech and then joins Burnham just before the two of them are called to the bridge.
On the way to the bridge, Burnham and Tyler literally run into Stamets and Culver. They make some awkward small talk, egged on by Stamets’ new personality, before heading to the bridge.
The Discovery encounters a creature on the endangered species list called a gormagander and, following protocol, beams it on board. Harry Mudd, wearing a helmet, steps out of the creature and opens fire on the crew, killing several members. Once Lorca gets his attention, Mudd reveals himself to and threatens to find out what is so special about the Discovery, then sell it, guaranteeing the Federation will lose the war. Mudd says Lorca leaving him behind caused him to lose Stella, his love, and that he was going to pay Lorca back by killing him as many times as possible. He then triggers a device that causes the Discovery to explode.
Then time goes back to Tyler’s speech. He and Burnham are called to the bridge again, as before, only this time they don’t run into Stamets. He catches up with them though and tries to explain to them that time is wrong. He warns them about the gormagander.
On the bridge, the ship encounters the creature again. Burnham and Tyler volunteer to check it out. The creature is beamed aboard, but this time the black alert sounds. Lorca says he didn’t order a jump.
Burnham and Tyler head to engineering and find Mudd waiting for them. Mudd is trying to figure out how to work the engines. Tyler fires, but there’s a barrier between them. They argue until Stamets show up behind Mudd and shoots him with a phaser.
Act II

Tyler and Burnham warn Stamets about the engine’s impending critical overload, but Stametsย says he knows and that they’ve been through this multiple times before and he hasn’t figured out how to fix it. He says he’ll see them soon just before the ship explodes.
They get sent back to the party. This time Stametsย is looking for Burnhamย at the party but misses her. He catches up with her leaving the bridge after discovering the gormagander. She doesn’t believe him when he tells her about the time loop, but he predicts her exact next words and then pulls her aside.
Lorca leaves the bridge and Muddย finds him. Muddย has somehow taken control of the ship’s commands and threatens to trigger self-destruct if Lorcaย doesn’t let him into a restricted area of the ship.
Stametsย explains the situation to Burnham and that Muddย is trying to find the missing piece of the engine, that being Stametsย himself. Realizing that their 30 minutes are almost up, Stametsย asks for Burnhamย to tell him a secret that he can tell her in order to speed things along in the next cycle. Stamets tells her she’s sorry and then that this is right around the time that Muddย kills the captain.

In Lorca’sย secret armory, Muddย examines some of Lorca’sย weapons. Lorca threatens him, but Muddย just tells Lorcaย about the 53 times that he has killed him so far.
Time reset back to the moment the lights flickered. Stamets finds Burnhamย and tells her that she’s never been in love in order to get her to believe what he tells her about the time loop. He tells her to pull Tyler aside, but she can’t do it and things proceed as they did.
Stametsย catches up with Burnham afterwardย and he tries to help her figure out how to talk to Tyler, including dancing with hereย in the middle of the hallway. Stametsย recounts how he and Culver met and fell in love. It involved some rude exchanges and a lot of honesty.
The ship explodes and time loops back again. This time Burnhamย immediately pull Tyler onto the dance floor and asks him to lead. She awkwardly broaches the topic of Harry Muddย sharing a cell with Tyler. Tyler is taken back, but Burnhamย tells Tyler that Muddย is there and he’s trapped them in a time loop. She explains that Stametsย tried to talk to him and it didn’t work. He thought he’d believe Burnhamย because they like each other. Figuring it won’t matter if they’re in a time loop, Tyler kisses Burnham. She says that was nice. They’re called to the bridge, but Burnhamย says they have to ignore it. Tyler recalls Muddย claiming to have broken into a betazoidย bank by memorizing everything about it. Burnham realizes Muddย has a time crystal, but they’re said to be unstable. Mudd’s must be unique. Now with info on their side, they and Stamets leave the party.
Act IV

On the bridge, Lorca is wondering where Burnham and Tyler have gotten to when classical music blares over the comms. Muddย marches on board and claims to be Captain Mudd. He has Lorcaย beamed to the bridge. He then pulls out a dark matter device he took from Lorca’sย armory that is said to be among the most painful ways to die. He threatensย an officer with it but Stamets, Burnham, and Lorcaย show up. Tyler fires his phaser, but Muddย is shielded. he uses the device on Tyler, killing him, then demands ot be told how to operate the engine. Finally, Stametsย tells Muddย that he is the missing component to the engine then beams to engineering with Stamets.
Burnham fills in Tilly. Together they find a ship hidden in the gorgamanderย that houses the crystal that is attuned to the crystal on Mudd’sย wrist.
Burnhamย finds Muddย in Lorca’sย ready room. Mudd sends their coordinates to the Klingons. Burnhamย offers herself to Mudd as a more valuable prize to sell to the Klingons than the ship. Burnham wants Lt. Tyler back in exchange. She swallows one of the dark matter devices, killing herself and forcing Muddย to restart time again if he wants to sell her.
The ship blows. Time restarts. Events move forward. This time, Lorcaย is warned before Mudd arrives. Lorcaย hands the captain’sย chair over to Mudd. Burnham claims that Stametsย determined Mudd’sย victory is a universal certainty and so they have surrendered. Lorcaย offers the ship, Stamets, and Burnhamย in exchange for the lives of the rest of the crew. Lorca offers a hand in agreement and they shake on the deal.
Muddย sits in the chair and sends coordinates to the Klingons. His wrist device dissolves. The Klingon ship arrives. Mudd orders the Klingonsย beamed aboard and he escorts Stamets and Burnham to them.
Stametsย and Burnham reveal that they’re onto Mudd, that they know he’s running from Stella, not to her. Tyler arrives and tells Muddย that the coordinates were sent not to the Klingons, but to Stella and her arms-dealing, baron father and that they are the ones being beamed aboard.
Mudd grovels before Stella and tries to justify his actions to her. Stella is still happy to see him and has convinced her father to consolidate his debts. Mudd is forced to go with them and make an honest woman out of Stella.
Later, Burnham and Tyler discuss how Stamets told them they had danced in a previousย timeline. Burnham says what she’s feeling is complicated and strange, but he says he’s not going anywhereย and that he’s sad they missed their first kiss.