Mark Hamill Posts Epic Entry for LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Tinder Meme

Mark Hamill isn't only Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series - he's proven to be [...]

Mark Hamill isn't only Jedi Master Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series - he's proven to be every bit the real-life Jedi on social media. Whether it's big socio-political issues of the day, or simply the latest social media trends going viral, Hamill steps in can cuts through the noise with posts that are as red hot as a lightsaber blade. Case in point: one of the more popular trends on social media right now (at the time of writing this) is the "LinkedIN/Facebook/Instagram/Tinder" meme challenge, in which users post photos that represent their respective personas on each social media site. So you know Hamill had to get in on that!

Check out the post below to see why Mark Hamill definitely wins the LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder challenge:

What's great about Mark Hamill's wit is indeed just how razor sharp and pointed it is. The Star Wars icon nails each aspect of the meme perfectly:

  • LinkedIn - A nice, clean-cut Hamill for the professional networking site.
  • Facebook - Hamill surrounded by family / friends at some enviable event, family-photo style.
  • Instagram - An artsy Hamill posed in some kind of artful photo the would snag some IG eyeballs.
  • Tinder - Hamill rocking vintage '70s clothes that are perfect for a guy looking for a little '70s-style swinging. Note: It would also work perfectly for the "Grindr" meme challenge.

Needless to say, fans have seen this and given Hamill an appropriately viral-sized response. Just another feather in the cap of a social media Jedi master; though the real winner here is the "LinkedIN/Facebook/Instagram/Tinder" meme challenge itself, which certainly wasn't on as many people's radars before Hamill gave it a nice celebrity boost like this.

Speaking of Luke Skywalker: it's just been confirmed that the planned Obi-Wan Kenobi series for Disney+ has been delayed, but not canceled. That series will bring back Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, and will reportedly feature a younger version of Hamill's Luke Skywalker. McGregeor spoke during the press event for Birds of Prey to reassure Star Wars fans of his return:

"It just slipped to next year, that's all," McGregor says of the delay. "The scripts are really good. I think that so now that Episode IX came out and everyone at Lucasfilm's got more time to look to spend on the writing, they felt like they wanted more time to write the episodes. I read about 80-90 percent of what they've written so far and it's really, really good. And instead of shooting this August, they just want to start shooting in January, that's all. It's nothing more dramatic than that. It often happens in projects, they just wanted to push it to next year."

You can catch Mark Hamill's final chapter of Luke Skywalker's story in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which is in theaters now.