Star Wars: Andor Showrunner Says Series Will Totally Reevaluate What You Know About Legacy Characters

The various live-action Star Wars series have been expanding upon what audiences knew about beloved figures from the galaxy far, far away, but according to showrunner Tony Gilroy, the upcoming Star Wars: Andor could see audiences changing their opinions on such figures. For most of the Star Wars saga, the lines between good and evil are pretty clear, though it sounds like the upcoming series will start to paint a slightly different picture and likely showcase how even the most "heroic" of characters were capable of unsettling actions for the sake of the greater good. Star Wars: Andor is expected to debut on Disney+ later this year.

"There are certain events that happen in these five years that are important and need to be paid attention to. There are certain people, characters that are legacy characters, that the audience, the passionate audience, really feels that they have an understanding of and know," Gilroy revealed to Vanity Fair. "In some cases they're right. And in some cases, what we're saying is, 'What you know, what you've been told, what's on Wookieepedia, what you've been telling each other ... is really all wrong."

He clarified that, while "wrong" might not be entirely accurate, "It's upside down, or it's sideways, or it's the opposite of what you thought was true. Or it's way more interesting than you had ever thought. Or that's a lie and there's a reason for it. I would say that there's some surprises in store."

In the opening scenes of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, audiences saw Andor (Diego Luna) killing an informant just so he could make a safe escape, confirming that he had questionable morals in the service of the Rebel Alliance. By the end of the film, the character seemed to accept responsibility for his actions and even denied orders that he knew were morally wrong. With this series taking place before that film, not only will we see how Andor's morals evolved, but other characters' ethics as well.

Gilroy teased that fans might even have a change of heart about the young Mon Motha, teasing, "I bet that when episode 104 plays, when Mon Mothma finishes the episode, that there'll be people tweeting about Mon Mothma."

Stay tuned for details on Star Wars: Andor before it premieres on Disney+ later this year.

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