The Disney Junior series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures debuted on Disney+ earlier this year, and the animated series is officially back with new episodes. The show took a few months off, but now it’s back with “Charhouse Chase/Creator Comforts,” “An Adventure with Yoda/The Talon Takeover,” “Mystery of the Opal Cave/Clash,” “Stuck in the Middle/Junkyard Sleepover,” “The Great Leaf Glide/The Harvest Feast,” and “Life Day/Raxlo Strikes Back.” All of the episodes are available to stream on Disney+.
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“New adventures await! New episodes of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures are available now on Disney+ and Disney Junior,” Star Wars shared on social media. You can check out a poster for the new episodes below:
What Is Life Day?
The Star Wars Holiday Special was released in 1978 and became instantly infamous. The TV special is considered the worst thing to ever come out of the franchise, but it did include some big moments such as the introduction of the fan-favorite character, Boba Fett. The special saw Han and Chewbacca visiting the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk to celebrate their biggest holiday, “Life Day.” While the holiday special may not have turned out to be everything George Lucas had hoped, Life Day has lived on.
When the Life Day special of Young Jedi Adventures was announced, described the episode as follows: “Kai, Lys, and Nubs, along with Masters Yoda and Zia, on a trip to Kashyyyk to celebrate and learn more about the Wookiees’ holiday traditions. In addition, even more episodes of Young Jedi Adventures Season 1 are confirmed for 2024.”
What Age Range Is Young Jedi Adventures For?
“Star Wars transcends generations; fans of all ages deeply connect with its imaginative worlds, mythic stories, and unique characters,” James Waugh, Young Jedi Adventures‘ executive producer and senior vice president, Franchise Content & Strategy at Lucasfilm previously explained. “When developing Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, the first Star Wars series created for preschoolers, the creative team never stopped thinking about how this show may be a youngling’s first step into a larger world, and their first time experiencing the limitless potential of the Star Wars galaxy. The show’s characters, tone, and the life lessons woven throughout each episode were written just for them, and our talented team was committed to honoring the cinematic legacy while staying true to the expectations of parents for the youngest of audiences.”
Young Jedi Adventures is now streaming on Disney+.