A Marvel Hero’s Child Was Just Recruited by Hydra
Hydra has taken Spider-Woman’s son, Gerry, aged him up, and turned him into a supervillain. -
Spider-Woman #1 Review: Kicking Off a New Era in Grand Fashion
Read our full review of Spider-Woman #1, which kicks off a new era in grand fashion. -
Marvel Previews New Spider-Woman Solo Series
After making her big-screen debut in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman swings into a new ongoing series. -
Spider-Woman #1 Is March’s Bestselling Comic, Marvel Top Publisher
Diamond Comic Distributors has revealed that Jessica Drew’s return to action with a brand new […] -
Marvel Announces Spider-Woman
Marvel is giving Spider-Woman her own series. Launching in March 2020, Spider-Woman sees Jessica […]