The episode opens with Victor Strand delivering a message to Althea’s camera, telling the other characters that if they’re watching it then he didn’t make it. He grabs a few supplies and a beer before heading down a road, leading to some rebar sticking out of the road as a means to guard an entrance. An organe cat greets him before a walker impales itself on the rebar. A gun cocks and Victor puts his hands up, asking “Daniel” to act calm and reasonably. Daniel orders him to turn around slowly. The cat, Skidmark, likes him. Daniel shoots a walker behind Strand before inviting him inside.
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Fear the Walking Dead‘s opening credits play.
John is searching for Althea but without luck, relaying to Alicia that he’s being hopelessly optimistic. Morgan found a sign that someone took Althea and their equipment. The three of them split up and search for her, with Morgan cautioning Alicia not to blame herself.
June patches up Luciana, who is eager to heal so she can learn to play the accordion. Apparently, it is drugs making her have such a desire. John informs them of their plans.
At Daniel’s hideout, he guides Strand through a warehouse full of cars and trucks, demanding he not touch anything. Daniel says he “inherited” this place. He questions why Strand is here and it’s because of the plane he told Althea about. Daniel claims Strand just wants the plane for himself because he is always self-serving.
Meanwhile, Alicia is blaming herself for Althea being taken but Morgan is optimistic. They come across a truck that is stocked and had been running recently. They split up and Morgan comes across a couple of walkers clawing at a bird cage, getting bird poop dropped on them. Suddenly, he is caught by a rope around his ankles.
A woman puts down the walker which almost caught him. She’s wearing a hazmat suit and orders Morgan to stop talking and cut himself free. Alicia runs in to his rescue. The woman is caught and explains that water reactors melted down and that Morgan needs to be decontaminated after killing a walker that was effected by it. Morgan has to take his clothes off and shower at the woman’s truck to be safe. He scrubs himself down thoroughly. Alicia insists on keeping her gun. The woman offers to help them look for Althea.ย
John radios to them that his and June’s truck gave out. Alicia warns him of the radioactive walkers that he can’t kill without risking his own health. June an d John continue their journey, discussing that she kept running and thought he might have given up on her. They find signs of a fightย before investigating a house with sounds of the dead coming from it.
Daniel doesn’t trust Strand. Strand apologizes for shooting him in the face at the dam and promises he has changed since Mexico.ย
Meanwhile, Morgan and Alicia are following the hazmat lady whoย wants to kill all of the walkers herself. Alicia insists she will do it, despite it being dangerous. She gets trapped as the walkers surround her, just as the hazmatย lady discovers the walker she is looking for in time for Alicia to safely kill the last one.ย
Later, in the night, the lady criticizes Alicia’s actions. She had previously worked at a power plant designed to keep terrorists out. She stayed put to work the plant despite cities not needing their power. She says there are 63 plants left now. John and June meet up with Morgan. The woman suggests leaving contaminated walkers inside of a house, saying these people thought they were protecting themselves but have actually become a threat.
At the truck stop, Lucy radios for Strand. He eventually comes in but she heard something behind her. She informs him that she was injured and Althea is missing. Strand informs her that the man with the plane is going to help them. The noises continue near Lucy as the radio cuts out.ย Daniel believes that the others need help and tells Strand to follow him.
Luciana goes outsideย to search for the source of the noise haunting her.
Meanwhile, June offers up a ride to the truck stop. They get a radio call from Lucy who tells them they are getting a plane from Strand. Her long range antenna was taken out by the wind. June orders her to go back inside just as walkers start to surround the truck stop. Lucy decides it’s a good idea to take aim with a shaky single hand to try to kill the walkers. It wasn’t. She tries to head back in and closes the door behind her.ย
In the middle of the night, Alicia and Morgan discuss blaming themselves and trying to fix things. Morgan says things used to be that way for him. “You don’t know it until somebody tells you so I gottaย tell you,” he says. “I’m really sorry I didn’t say this before but these things haven’t always gone the way that I would hope. You are not locked in. A door opens, there is a way out.”
She asks what the way out leads to. “There’s no way to really protect yourself,” he says. “You can’t put a weapon between you and losing people and you can’t run away from them either. I’m telling you that because I tried. The way out is opening the door to people, to possibility, to the hurt that will happen. That’s what I did. I found the way and .then I opened the door and then my life started all over again. Yours will, too.”
The hazmat lady is trying to head off on her own, refusing the help of Morgan or Alicia. She reveals that she has been exposed to the radiation and has limited time to live and does not want to risk anyone else’s lives.
Later, the group awakens Luciana, who is scared that the dead are waiting. They find the heads of the dead atop a billboard, though. Someone knows they are there and put in a lot of effort to scare them.
Meanwhile, Strand is escorted off of Daniel’s property. Salazar is confident the group will survive just fine, probably better than they would if Strand were to get the plane. He fires a couple of shots into the air and insists Strand leave now. “If you come back, the next one will be in your face,” he tells him. On his way out, Strand is furious and he smashes the head of some walker with a rock before heading off into the moonlight.ย