A Beloved Member of The Walking Dead Family Has Passed Away

The Walking Dead lost a beloved member of its deeply connected family on Thursday morning. Justin [...]

The Walking Dead lost a beloved member of its deeply connected family on Thursday morning. Justin Huff, a passionate fan and beloved friend to many within The Walking Dead Family's community, has passed away. Huff regularly attended conventions where The Walking Dead stars and filmmakers would appear for autographs, selfies, panels, and other interactions with fans. Already, cast members are pouring out their love for Justin on social media following his passing, showcasing how beloved Justin and his love for the zombie series have been. Through meeting the celebrities and other fans, Justin's impact has been positive for countless people.

The Walking Dead's Jerry actor Cooper Andrews went to Instagram with a message of about Justin. "We lost Justin Huff this morning," Andrews wrote. "Like many of our . TWD cast, I've had the pleasure of meeting Justin multiple times over the years. he would let me do the talking, but man, his eyes said everything. They were . filled with humour, fire, love, and michief! Justin, when we first met, I got to be your wingman. Now, you're gonna have to be ours."

Andrews went on to tag Justin's mother, Tammy, offering condolences and thanking her for bringing Justin into TWDFamily's lives. You can see Andrews' post with a photo and himself and Justin below.

This is a testament to the strong bond The Walking Dead fans have together. Despite the occasional comment section argument or debates over which characters should be together, the fans relentlessly display their passion and share a common, inspiring bond -- one which has now been forged over 10 years of common interests.

Around the world, fans of The Walking Dead unite at conventions and during broadcasts of the show on AMC, showcasing the power of fandom year after year.

Our thoughts here at Comicbook.com are with Justin and his family -- as we are also grateful for Justin's love and enthusiam over the years.