Is This How Jadis Becomes Alpha On 'The Walking Dead'?

For the many Walking Dead fans hoping Jadis will go on to become Alpha when The Whisperers come [...]

For the many Walking Dead fans hoping Jadis will go on to become Alpha when The Whisperers come around, tonight's new episode might have laid the groundwork for her potential transition.

WARNING: Major spoilers ahead for the latest episode of The Walking Dead! Continue reading at your own risk...

Those who have read The Walking Dead comics know that Alpha is the leader of The Whisperers, a group of survivors who have reinvented the way the live in the work of the dead. These folks don't abide by the rules and standards that normal people do, but they do walk around in the skin of walkers.

In tonight's new episode, Jadis had quite a few visitors at her trash heap of a home, resulting in the death of every man and woman following her lead. Rick and Michonne arrived in time to see everyone turned into walkers, and Jadis sitting alone on top of the trash. She revealed that everything about their community was actually a lie, and that she created all of it just to reset their world, and be unlike anyone else living in the world.

"We could create something new, we could become something new. We did. This was our world, apart from everyone else in every way."

This sounds a lot like the mentality of Alpha, who started The Whisperers and created her own unique lifestyle. Not only is this the kind of thing Alpha would totally say, but the events of the episode actually made it so that Jadis could evolve into the leader at some point in the future.

Alpha and The Whisperers are a nomadic society, meaning they roam the Earth with the dead and don't have any real place that they call home. After tonight's episode, Jadis doesn't exactly have a home any more. Sure, the dump that she lived in still exist, but it now contains a pile of zombie guts that used to be the people she loved. It's a safe bet she's not staying there for very long.

Do you think Jadis will go on to become Alpha? Let us know in the comments below!

Following The Walking Dead's new episode,'s After the Dead will be live with an exclusive interview with Jadis actress Pollyanna McIntosh to recap. McIntosh's Jadis will have a break out episode on Sunday night the episode is set to include some major developments for the character. The 30-minute After the Dead episode viewable for free on the official ComicBook NOW Facebook page and Originals YouTube channel

The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 pm ET on AMC. Fear the Walking Dead will debut its fourth season after The Walking Dead concludes its eighth, at 10 pm ET on April 15. For complete coverage and insider info all year long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.