The Equalizer Reveals How Chris Noth's Character Exits the Series

William Bishop's time on The Equalizer has officially come to an end. Bishop was one of the most prominent characters on the current Queen Latifah series, serving as the mentor to her character, Robyn McCall. The actor who plays Bishop, Chris Noth, was met with multiple sexual assault allegations late least year. At the time, CBS immediately cut ties with Noth and announced that he would be removed from the series moving forward. 

Noth's character was written off the show and Sunday night's episode of the series finally revealed exactly what became of Bishop. The character was unsurprisingly killed off, ensuring that any questions about a future return are answered before they're even asked. 

The new episode, titled "Pulse," puts Latifah's McCall in a difficult situation as she learns that a sociopath who once tried to have her killed is now somehow involved in her new case. Mason Quinn, played by Chris Vance, has "no country, no allegiance, or conscience," according to McCall. Ultimately, it's Quinn that brings about Bishop's demise.

It's revealed in the episode that Bishop knew of the complicated history between McCall and Quinn. McCall doesn't contact him, however, because he's on a mission in Europe where radio silence is required. That case is tied to Quinn, who is on the verge of acquiring a deadly weapon. Bishop tries to stop Quinn and the other bad guys but ultimately falls short. Quinn takes down Bishop's plane, seemingly killing everyone on board. 

Of course, there would usually be ways around killing such an important character to the series, but writing off Noth's character was the goal. The series puts a more definitive punctuation mark on the character's story at the very end of the episode, while also setting McCall up for a future arc chasing Quinn. McCall's phone rings in the final minutes and Bishop's name is on the screen. When she answers it, she hears Quinn's voice saying, "This is the second time you've gotten in my way." This confirms Bishop's death.

New episodes of The Equalizer air Sunday nights on CBS.