Netflix has released the first trailer for Tires, the new series starring, created, and executive produced by comedian Shane Gillis. In the show, the star plays an underachieving employee at a local tire shop, who is forced to go all out to save the shop when its owner threatens closure. Think of it as a kind of redneck version of Empire Records and you’re halfway there. Gillis created the show with co-star Steven Gerben and director John McKeever, so the six-episode series, with a small cast and a tight creative nucleus, is seemingly positioned for success on Netflix; it seems likely that the cost of the show was fairly low, and it’s easy to cross-promote with stand-up specials.
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The project has been in development for a while, and is based on existing comedy material that Gillis’s fans are already familiar with. The first episode is set to drop on May 23.
You can see it below.
Here’s how Netflix describes the series:
Shane Gillis portrays, well, a guy named Shane, who is about to become the bane of his relative Will’s (Gerben) existence. Tires follows Will, the anxious and seemingly unqualified heir of an auto repair chain, as he attempts to turn his dad’s business around despite constant torture from his cousin and now employee, Shane.
Gillis and Gerben lead Tires. The comedy also stars Chris O’Connor, Kilah Fox, and Stavros Halkias, with guest appearances by Andrew Schulz.
McKeever directs the series. Gillis, Gerben, and McKeever are co-creators, writers, and executive producers. Brandon James is an executive producer for Rough House; Brian Stern and Kenneth Slotnick are executive producers for AGI Entertainment Media & Management. Becky Astphan is an executive producer.
The scripted series will premiere May 23, following Gillis’ two performances during Netflix Is a Joke Fest earlier this week.