On Friday, The Mandalorian debuted the third episode of its second season, “Chapter 11: The Heiress.” The episode saw Din Djarin teaming up with a different tribe of Mandalorians led by Bo-Katan Kryze, a character from Star Wars animation, in order to achieve information on where to find a Jedi. The mission was a success a Bo-Katan told Din where to find Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice. But getting that information required an adventure all its own, with Clan Cryze and Mando assaulting an Imperial weapons transport to retrieve weapons that will be used in Bo-Katan’s attempts to reclaim Mandalore. Oh, and she’s also after the Darksaber.
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On Monday, Lucasfilm released concept art from the episode. The artwork includes pieces by Ryan Church and Christian Alzmann depicting Clan Kryze, the Imperial vessel, and Baby Yoda getting into trouble. Keep reading to see the artwork for yourself.
What do did you think of this week’s episode of The Mandalorian? Let us know how you feel about it in the comments section. The Mandalorian debuts new episodes on Fridays on Disney+.