Supergirl and Lena Luthor Team Up in Season 5 Finale Preview

The CW has released a preview for 'Immortal Kombat', the nineteenth and final episode of [...]

The CW has released a preview for "Immortal Kombat", the nineteenth and final episode of Supergirl's fifth season. After a season of being at odds with one another, it looks like Supergirl/Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) will be on the same side once again as they work together in an attempt to stop not only Leviathan, but Lena's brother Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) who has his own nefarious plans for not just Supergirl, but the whole world as well.

From the looks of things in the preview, the episode may deliver on what McGrath said last year: that Lena would do anything to get her friendship back as well as serve as proof that Lena is, fundamentally, a good person despite of everything that's happened this season.

"I think there's always potential [for Kara and Lena to reconcile], you know?" McGrath said in an interview last year. "I think the writers are very smart, and I think they have a very clear, articulated plan about what they're doing. And I would hate to think that you're not going to get Kara and Lena back as they were before. And I think fundamentally Lena is still a very good person, and I think she does just miss her friends. She misses Kara desperately, and part of me believes that Lena would do anything to get that back if it meant that Kara wouldn't, as she thought, betray her again. If Lena felt that Kara couldn't betray her again, I think Lena would do anything to get that friendship back. I think the illustration of that is how hurt she was. You couldn't feel that amount of hurt if you didn't actually care."

As for how things work out when Lena teams up with Supergirl to stop Lex, that may not exactly work out in the ladies' favor. Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic shutting down production on the series, Lex's outcome this season has shifted a little, according to Cryer.

"The Supergirl folks have talked to me because we couldn't shoot our last episode," Cryer explained in a recent interview. "We had shot some of the last episode, and they're gonna use some of that footage, but they're writing a whole bunch of new stuff around it. Which is interesting because the way my character was thwarted now doesn't happy anymore. So, I was like, 'Oh, did I not get defeated? Wait a minute, I like this!' Supervillains, we relish our chance to actually not be defeated every now and then."

You can check out the official episode synopsis below.

"Immortal Kombat" — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-PG, V) (HDTV)

DAVID HAREWOOD DIRECTS – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) realizes that in order to stop Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) and Leviathan she must work with the one person she never thought she'd trust again – Lena (Katie McGrath). Nia (Nicole Maines) keeps dreaming about Brainy (Jesse Rath) but struggles with what the dreams are trying to tell her. Meanwhile, Brainy realizes there is only one way to stop Lex.

David Harewood directed the episode with story by Derek Simon and teleplay by Emilio Ortego Aldrich & Nicki Holcomb."