The X-Files Star David Duchovny "Always Up For More"

It has been four years since The X-Files returned for Season 11, and nearly thirty years since the show initially debuted, but series star David Duchovny isn't quite ready to be done with the paranormal series and his iconic character, Fox Mulder. Duchovny told. Yahoo Entertainment (via CBR) that he's always up for more X-Files.

"I thought the first seven years were enough! But I'm always up for more, clearly," Duchovny said. "Someone sent me a clip of Joel McHale from the 2016 episodes we did and it's a spot-on description of where we're at six years later. I don't think [X-Files creator] Chris Carter gets enough credit for being [prescient]. Forget about the ins and outs of plots and who gets pregnant or who gets shot. I mean, every show turns into a soap opera, so you have limited options. People are going to die or get pregnant or go to prison, right? Or become president."

He continued, "I think it's a little bit in the weeds to worry about characters' fats, when you realize that Chris somehow made a show in 1993, and again in 2016, that predicted what 2022 would be like. If he wanted to do more, I'd certainly listen to him. I'd say, 'What have you got?' Because I want to know the future, too, you know what I mean? And not denigrating Gillian [Anderson]'s feelings about Scully being pregnant or the character. I certainly had misgivings about my character throughout the run. It's the nature of a long-running thing. But to take the long view, what the show is able to embrace thematically is really the key to its longevity, and if we were to do it again, it's just a question of: 'What have we go [sic] to say?'"

But while Duchovny is opening to jumping back in, Anderson has been vocal about being a bit more reluctant. Anderson said earlier this year that if she were to return, it would need to be with new creatives since the series "feels like such an old idea."

"It just feels like such an old idea," Anderson said. "I've done it. I did it for many years, and it also ended on such an unfortunate note. In order to even begin to have that conversation [ about another season] there would need to be a whole new set of writers and the baton would need to be handed on for it to feel like it was new and progressive. So yeah, it's very much in the past."

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