Yellowstone Season 4 Twist Brings Back Storyline Most Fans Forgot About

Throughout the fourth season of Yellowstone, Jamie Dutton has existed on the fringes of the ranch's world. He has built a relationship with his biological father, Randall Garrett, only to learn that he is likely the man who ordered the attacks on the entire Dutton family. It has seemed like Jamie has been on a collision course with his father and is finally moving back toward a life with the rest of the Duttons, solving the mystery of the man behind the attacks and making John proud, but the return of a forgotten Season 2 plot thread could bring that progress to a halt.

WARNING: This article contains major spoilers for the latest episode of Yellowstone! Continue reading at your own risk...

If you recall, when Jamie was originally running for the office of Wyoming's Attorney General, he developed a relationship with his campaign manager, Christina. In Season 2, when Jamie decided to remove himself from the race, Christina left him, but not before giving him some massive news. She said she was pregnant, and that she wouldn't allow Jamie to be in their child's life until he made something for himself and got out from John Dutton's shadow.

There has been no mention of Christina or Jamie's potential child since Season 2 aired back in 2019. That is, until Sunday's new episode, when she shows up to Jamie's new ranch that he shares with Randall. Christina tells Jamie that he has accomplished the things he said he would and she introduces him to his son.

This seems like good news for Jamie, but it also presents a massive complication. Jamie was returning home in that scene to confront Randall about the attempted murder of the Duttons, following his interview with Randall's former cellmate. The series hasn't completely confirmed that Randall was the mastermind behind the attacks, but all signs are pointing to that theory becoming fact very soon. Christina sees Jamie's new life with Randall as his official departure from John and the Yellowstone ranch; killing or arresting Randall in order to smooth things over with John likely wouldn't sit too well with her. 

There will be a lot of hard conversations for Jamie in the near future. He will have to talk to Randall about what he knows (a scene that was teased in the preview for next week's episode). He will talk to John about Randall and the attacks. And, of course, he'll have to talk to Christina about all of it. Jamie has never been very good at these conversations, or setting things right with someone who is angry at him, so there's a good chance most of these talks don't go too well. Hopefully, for Jamie's sake, he's grown up since Christina was last in his life.

Did you expect to see Christina in this week's Yellowstone? Let us know in the comments!