Watch: AEW Dynamite's Show Opener Video Released

Two days before its premiere on TNT, All Elite Wrestling released the show opening video for AEW [...]

Two days before its premiere on TNT, All Elite Wrestling released the show opening video for AEW Dynamite on social media on Monday morning. The video features numerous clips from AEW's first four live shows earlier this year and heavily emphasizes some of its biggest stars like AEW World Champion Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley, PAC, Dustin Rhodes and Dr. Britt Baker.

The first episode of Dynamite will take place at the sold-out Capital One Arena in Washington D.C. The card for the show includes Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara (confirmed to be the opening match), Omega and The Young Bucks vs. Jericho and two mystery partners, SCU vs. Jurassic Express, Nyla Rose vs. Riho for the AEW Women's World Championship, MJF vs. Brandon Cutler, "Hangman" Adam Page vs. PAC and thje first appearance of Moxley since he was forced to pull out of the All Out pay-per-view back in late August.

Since announcing their premiere, AEW has booked episodes of Dynamite to take place in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Charleston, Charlotte, Nashville, Indianapolis, Chicago and Champaign, Illinois. The company's next pay-per-view, Full Gear, will take place on Nov. 9 in Baltimore.

Rhodes, who doubles as a wrestler and executive vice president for the company, posted a heartfelt message to social media last week where he implored wrestling fans to give their honest review of the show each week.

"My gratitude is extended in anticipation for AEW: Dynamite, but even if Wednesday October 2, was the first and only AEW show, what has happened now in wrestling cannot be undone," Rhodes wrote. "Wrestlers now have a chance for better pay and a healthier schedule, and the doors have been opened wider to a wrestling show more congruent with the diversity of our current society. This isn't because of AEW. It's because of you, the fans -- from diehard to brand new. And, the changes in wrestling aren't exclusive to AEW. This progress can now permeate all promotions.

"I would ask you this one favor as we move forward: speak to me," he added. "John Cena once told me that when the fans clap their hands or stomp their feet or give a visceral indicator that they want something, you need to DO something. Otherwise, they will stop making noise Please share your feedback with me I want all of it. Good, bad, ugly. What we did right, what we did wrong, and why. Let me help create and tailor a product for you."