WWE Deletes John Cena’s Bizarre Shoot Promo on The Fiend

WrestleMania 36 is almost upon us, and it wouldn't be a true WrestleMania without John Cena. [...]

WrestleMania 36 is almost upon us, and it wouldn't be a true WrestleMania without John Cena. Thankfully Cena is in action at the big show in a match against one of the hottest acts in WWE, The Fiend, who has dominated just about everyone (aside from Goldberg of course) he's come across. The Fiend has scared pretty much everyone, but in a new promo that since has been deleted, Cena is not frightened in the least and even breaks kayfabe in a huge way as he refers to Fiend as just Bray Wyatt and Husky Harris in a mask. It's an odd shoot style promo to be sure, and the fact that it's been deleted from WWE's social channels suggests that WWE isn't so happy with it. You can check out the promo in the video below (via Ryan Satin).

When asked how he was feeling going into this challenge and how he was escaping Fiend's mind games, Cena said the following.

"This isn't really an escape room," Cena said. "I'm not paying it too much attention, I don't know if you heard what I said on SmackDown a few weeks ago...I know The Fiend operates off of fear, but I also know The Fiend is Bray Wyatt, is Husky Harris, is a guy in a mask. I'm not afraid of The Fiend, and I'm not afraid to say that I'm not afraid of The Fiend."

"The Fiend's been able to manipulate his way through the WWE Universe and establish a presence, by getting people to panic, and panic equals fear and fear equals our collapse," Cena said. "Uh, I think if there's one guy who can face The Fiend, who has faced The Fiend and Bray Wyatt and stood up to all of his tactics and physiological manipulation, it's been me. WrestleMania is going to be no different."

"It's like I told the audience, they know," Cena said. "I've been in a lot of situations in WrestleMania where they anticipate a big back and forth brawl that is going to weave a tale that is epic in the annals of WWE history...Bray...Bray's going to get his ass handed to him. I'm in no mood to play around and I'm honestly...I'm kind of fed up with situations of people who think they are entitled to get chance after chance after chance to succeed."

"I'm sick of hearing a certain group of WWE superstars walk around and say 'I deserve this' or 'I deserve that', and maybe Bray's the first name on that list," Cena said. "I don't know. I said I was going to sit back and let the future play its course and the right person issued the right challenge at the right time, and i don't feel bad about saying what's going to happen, because I firmly believe it's gotta be this way. I trust in my own ability. I've been on the WrestleMania stage before. I know this is a bit of a different WrestleMania but if there's anyone prepared for a challenge like this it's certainly me."

That is certainly an interesting promo to cut on The Fiend, and we'll have to wait and see what Cena says next.

What did you think of the promo? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MattAguilarCB for all things WWE!