Wrestling Twitter Turns Charlotte Flair's Knee to Ronda Rousey's Face Into a Meme

Wrestling fans on Twitter never fail to impress. On Monday Night Raw this week Ronda Rousey, [...]

Wrestling fans on Twitter never fail to impress. On Monday Night Raw this week Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch wound up in a three-way brawl after easily beating The Riott Squad in a six-woman tag match. Their fight eventually caused the local police to rush out and, after failing to break the three up, put them all in handcuffs and dragged them backstage to a group of police cars. That turned out to be a mistake, as Rousey and Lynch kept fighting in the back of one cop car and wound up breaking one of its rear windows. Later in the fight Rousey stuck her head out of the broken window and was met by a vicious knee from Flair.

Fans saw that brutal hit as the perfect opportunity to make a new meme.

""Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. It all started when I said pro-wrestling was fake," WhatCulture's Simon Miller wrote while posting a freeze frame of Rousey's face.

"Hereditary (2018)," one fan wrote, citing the popular 2018 horror film.

By Tuesday afternoon even Flair got in on the action. But then fans took it a step further by adding music to go along with the repeating gif. Below are two of the funniest.

"Everything's better with the Eurythmics," one fan wrote.

"Don't say anything just watch," wrote another.

Stephanie McMahon opened Raw this week with the announcement that both Rousey's Raw Women's Championship and Flair's SmackDown Women's Championship will be on the line at WrestleMania 35 in a "Winner Take All" main event. Flair added the extra piece of hardware into the equation by beating Asuka in an impromptu title match last week.


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