Watch: Daniel Bryan Blames Kevin Owens' Injuries on Being Overweight in Scathing Promo

Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens have had remarkably similar career paths in wrestling. But to the WWE [...]

Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens have had remarkably similar career paths in wrestling. But to the WWE Champion, there's just one big difference: Owens is fat.

In a toxic backstage promo, Bryan went after Owens with a measured verbal attack. After acknowledging that Owens has world-class talent, Bryan bashed KO for being too lazy.

"You know what? Typical, typical, typical, typical Kevin Owens," Bryan said. "Let me tell you a little story, let me tell you a tale of two Superstars. OK, here is Superstar A, who was born with a tremendous amount of talent, more talent than anybody had ever seen. And day after day, year after year, he does nothing with it. And he just relies on his talent, and year after year people start noticing his talent, but they say he's never going to make it because he's too lazy. But guess what? He was born with such an extraordinary amount of talent that he makes it, and he makes it and becomes Universal Champion. But he has never changed his work ethic."

Now that he had drug Owens through the mud, Bryan took the opportunity to shine himself p, saying that because of his unmatched work ethic he is now a top WWE.

Bryan continued, "Now, let me tell you about Superstar B. He was born with just average talent, with an average upbringing. But with an incredible work ethic and an incredible intellect. And year after year, he worked hard and he trained hard, and year after year, people told him he would never make it because you don't have the talent. But do you know what that Superstar did? That Superstar went on to become Universal Champion, he became WWE Champion, he main evented WrestleMania because he had intellect, and he had work ethic."

Then Bryan really put the screws to Owens by blaming his recent stint on WWE' disabled list on KO being overweight.

"Now, let me tell you another tale about these two Superstars. Let me tell you about their injuries, OK?," Bryan said. "Superstar A got injured out of neglect, out of over-consumption, out of just eating whatever he wants and being overweight, and that was the damage that made him have to get double knee surgery. Superstar B worked so hard that everything he did affect his body. And he worked, and he worked, and he worked, and then they told him, 'You know what? You've worked so hard you can't work anymore, you have to retire.'"

Bryan then concluded his rant by comparing his miraculous return to wrestling to Owen's' pedestrian knee surgery.

"And let me tell you a tale of these two Superstars, how they reacted to their injuries. Superstar A got surgery and just waited and rested until they told him, 'OK, you can come back.' Superstar B was told he would never fight again, and he fought, and he fought, and he worked harder than anybody had ever worked before. And now that Superstar is WWE Champion. These two people, these two Superstars, are competing at Fastlane for the WWE Championship. Superstar A and Superstar B. Talent and laziness vs. intellect and work ethic. Who do you think is going to win?," Bryan asked.

[H/T Wrestling Inc.]


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