Finn Balor and Baron Corbin Throw Haymakers in Independence Day Twitter War

The last episode of Raw says Baron Corbin and Finn Balor officially begin a summer storyline. If [...]

The last episode of Raw says Baron Corbin and Finn Balor officially begin a summer storyline. If it wasn't obvious on Monday, their Fourth of July insult-fest just did everything but book match for Extreme Rules.

Corbin opened things up with a classic ad-hominem assault.

"I gave you the opportunity to apologize. And you proved everything I knew about you.

You're a coward.

You're a cheat.

You're a problem.

I'll make sure we fix that."

Balor returned fire with verbal backhand wrapped up in a 90's pop culture reference.

"You sound like that Meredith Brooks song....

you know the one I'm talking about ??


Now that profanity is involved, Corbin had to respond, this time aiming for Balor's fans.

"Big words from a small man. Just remember that you and your "club" are on MY show now. Remember who you're talking to tough guy," wrote Corbin.

Then things took a personal turn when Balor happily pointed out that Baron Corbin fizzled out as an NFL player.

"I know exactly who I'm taking to...

a guy that was getting release from football teams while I was winning WRESTLING tournaments in Japan #BOSJ"

With backgrounds were fair game, Baron hit back by mocking Balor's career path and even planted the idea of him being demoted to 205 Live.

"That's as impressive to me as winning an over 40 church basketball league mvp award. It took you 10 years to get to the WWE, me I made a phone call. When i am done with you 205 will be waiting. You will fit in much better."

Despite the heavy blow from Corbin, Balor closed things with a cool reveal.

It didn't take '10 years to get to WWE'

I was forging my own path on a 16 year journey learning from the best.

You said you made 1 phone call?

I didn't make any.. they called me!."

There you have it WWE Universe, a mid-card feud in the making! In all reality, this is a good pairing for WWE. As Raw's Constable, Baron Corbin looks to have bottled some momentum. Balor too is coming off a nice post-WrestleMania stretch and need to stay hot to remain in championship conversations.

While neither is destined for the Universal Championship anytime soon, a promotion to the Intercontinental scene may be at stake.