John Cena: 'What The Consumer Wants, WWE Will Give'

John Cena recently spoke about the odds that a women's match will headline WrestleMania 35 this [...]

John Cena recently spoke about the odds that a women's match will headline WrestleMania 35 this year, and he gave a candid an honest answer about WWE's motives when it comes to pushing certain men or women to the top of the card.

In an exclusive interview with Uproxx, Cena said that in the end, WWE will always go with what the crowd wants. Now, we're sure some fans will disagree with that given some of their favorites who never made it to the main event scene, but the WWE living legend gave some good current (and past) examples to illustrate his point.

"We are in the entertainment business. Whatever the consumer finds most entertaining, regardless of sex, race, creed, color, religion anything. What the consumer wants, WWE will give," Cena said. "I think Daniel Bryan a few years ago in the main event of WrestleMania was a great example of that. And I think the women that are supposedly within the main event of WrestleMania this year were pushing forward toward that historic, monumental occasion.

"I'm one of those people who think that it should've happened a whole lot earlier, but I'm very proud that our audience is at a point where they're screaming at the top of their lungs, 'Hey, this is what we want to see.' I was so extremely happy for Becky Lynch to be able to find this personality that she carved out of thin air and almost out of desperation and become so successful with it."

You'll recall that on the first episode of SmackDown this year, WWE seemingly gave Lynch the ultimate endorsement by having her work an angle with Cena (and even get the better of him in the end).

Cena expanded even further upon his point by recalling his own rise to the top of WWE. He claimed he was about to be released from the company when he finally reached out and grabbed the brass ring, so to speak.

"I'm really passionate about this stuff. I've always looked at WWE as the land of opportunity. I have been surrounded by performers that so many times become complacent and negative and they think like, 'Oh, I can't do this because of X.' Or 'I can't do this because this person is holding me down.' I know when I speak to those people they don't necessarily take stock in what I say, but I only say what I do because I started from nothing," Cena said. "I was about to be fired. I was in a Becky Lynch-type scenario where I was forgotten and I was about to be let go and I took a chance on myself. I took a chance on redefining my character and it worked and I've never stopped. And I wasn't the corporate headquarters first, second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth choice, but the audience began to make noise. And I connected with the audience and the rest is history.

"That's what's wonderful about WWE. It truly is an enterprise system for any performer to connect with the audience. And once they connect with the audience, it doesn't matter if they're male or female. It doesn't matter where you're from. What you look like. You become a centerpiece of our entertainment and I think that's the most fascinating thing about what we do. It truly is go out there and connect and then see what happens."