Matt Hardy Returns to WWE at Madrid Live Event

Matt Hardy has made a career out of keeping the wrestling world guessing, and he just did that [...]

Matt Hardy has made a career out of keeping the wrestling world guessing, and he just did that once again at WWE's show in Madrid, Spain on Saturday.

There was a brawl involving several WWE male stars after the Seth Rollins versus Baron Corbin Intercontinental title match on the show. Rollins was attacked after the bout by Dean Ambrose and out came members of the WWE locker room, including Jinder Mahal, Bobby Lashley, Heath Slater, the Authors of Pain, and more.

Hardy ran out during the brawl to get physically involved. This was his first appearance in a WWE ring since announcing his apparent retirement back in September.

Hardy also appeared at Sunday's show in Barcelona in the same manner.

Despite the messages he put out on the internet concerning his apparent retirement on September 16th, Hardy sounds like he hasn't completely shut the door on returning to the ring. He discussed his current situation and recovering from some nagging injuries during an appearance on Lillian Garcia's podcast.

"People throw around the word retirement where typically, I guess, if someone teases that, it's retirement, but retirement is not a word I ever said. I never said retirement. I said, 'I need to go home,' and I really did," Hardy explained to Garcia.

He continued, "After being there for a year and a half and I worked on a full time schedule the whole time I was there and obviously I'm not a spring chicken anymore, but doing this 26 years in October, so I needed to go home. I needed to address some issues I was having with my lower back and my hips. If I can bounce back from those issues and get back in the ring and be physical, that's great and if I can't, we'll do whatever we need to do on-air to figure out something entertaining for Matt Hardy."

Though it's true that he didn't specifically use the word retirement, he strongly alluded to it in statement back in September. That statement read:

"Thank you for letting me live my dream for 26 years, wrestling fans. I don't necessarily wish it was this way, but it's time to go home. Time to go home and be a father. Time to go home and be a husband. I did so much more than I ever imagined I would do. Thanks for making this incredible journey with me, ladies and gentlemen. I love you all."

Even if Hardy never returns to the ring full time, many expect him to continue to grow in his role as a backstage WWE producer. Prior to going home in September, he had been serving in that capacity for several weeks and apparently excelling by all reports we have heard.