Matt Hardy Teases Retirement With Sentimental Tweet

Matt Hardy recently put out a few ambiguous tweets that lent themselves to theories of him leaving [...]

Matt Hardy recently put out a few ambiguous tweets that lent themselves to theories of him leaving WWE. But on Wednesday, Hardy posted a message that leaves little room for misinterpretation.

Hardy thanked every generation of the fan whose ever supported him, seeming to make a strong hint at a retirement from the sport. It's worth noting that Hardy has been a savvy user of social media so this could be an attempted to garner attention. Regardless his message is one that seems to be foreshadowing a departure of some sort.

"To all that supported me in the independents & OMEGA..\

To the fans of Team Xtreme..

To the Mattitude Followers..

To the OUTSPOKEN fans who brought me back in 2005..

To the people who backed me when I was REINCARNATED in pro wrestling..

To the #WOKEN Warriors..

THANK YOU," he wrote.

It's worth mentioning that Hardy and his teammate Bray Wyatt appear to be entering the final stages of their partnership. On Raw this week they lost to The Revival and may have been leapfrogged for a SummerSlam title shot. It's possible the Raw Tag Team Championship is defended in a three-team tag match, but it's beginning to feel like the Deleters of World have seen their best days.

In late July, Hardy posted "it may be time for US to move on," after he and Wyatt lost their Raw Championships to the B-Team at Extreme Rules. Hours later he published an image of he and brother Jeff Hardy making a silhouetted exit.

At 43-years old, Hardy could just as easily wrestle for five more years. Then again, he may feel he has little left to accomplish in wrestling and think it's time to walk away. Regardless, we'll all be keeping a close eye on his Twitter account for the immediate future.