Roman Reigns Is Better Than Your Favorite Wrestler

Look, I hate to be the one to tell you this. Hell, I even hate to admit it to myself, but it's [...]

Look, I hate to be the one to tell you this. Hell, I even hate to admit it to myself, but it's time to finally deal with the truth - Roman Reigns is better than your favorite wrestler.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop yelling at me!

Put down the pitchfork for a second and hear me out!

Roman Reigns continually gets the largest reaction of any wrestler on the roster. Yes, that reaction is almost always boos, but his ability to evoke such a strong emotion from the audience is something that holds infinitely more value than how good your favorite wrestler can execute a northern lights suplex. The only bad reaction a wrestler can get is silence. Roman doesn't even have to tell you how much your local sports team sucks to make you to jump out of your seat and tell him how much you hate him.

"But he can't wrestle!", you say. You may not realize it, but over the past few years, Roman has been having some of the best matches in the WWE. Roman has had several 4-5 star matches with AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt, yet it's always Roman's opponent who gets the credit for "carrying Roman to a good match."

John Cena used to hear the same criticism, but unlike early John Cena matches, Roman has a diverse moveset. His punches actually look like they hurt (unlike so many other wrestlers) and his spear is one of the best in the history of the business. Just ask Shane McMahon.

"But Roman is horrible on the mic!", you shout. It's true, the mic has been the area where Roman has needed the most work. But as Roman has stepped out of the main event and been allowed to rely less on stupid catch phrases (Not a good guy, not a bad guy, just the guy) he has found his stride as a cocky bad ass. Your favorite wrestler might be able to rattle off a funny catch phrase, but if I don't think he can back it up in the ring, what does it matter?

Look no further than his work with Rusev at Lana's wedding celebration to see how far he's come.

Roman Reigns looks better than your favorite wrestler. This needs to be stated. Roman looks like he was drawn in a comicbook. A wrestler's ability to hold the front of a poster goes a long way towards getting casual fans to tune in. I love Kevin Owens as much as the next guy, but the ability to hold the casual fan's eye is what separates the WWE from every other promotion that has tried and failed to compete with Vince on the main stage.

One final test to see if your favorite wrestler is better than Roman Reigns, the TNA test. You can say he's underused or underappreciated, but if your favorite wrestler left the WWE would he change the fortunes of TNA? Would Cesaro turn TNA into a threat to the WWE? Nope. Dolph Ziggler? Negative. If Roman Reigns left for TNA tomorrow (And I'm not saying Dixie Carter wouldn't find a way to mangle it), TNA would immediately be put back on the map in the eyes of fans and television networks.

So yes, Roman Reigns is better than your favorite wreslter.

Unless, of course, your favorite wrestler is Shinsuke Nakamura.