Cody Rhodes Comments on Tye Dillinger's Potential WWE Exit

With Tye Dillinger asking WWE for his release, he now seems like a prime suspect to join AEW. And [...]

With Tye Dillinger asking WWE for his release, he now seems like a prime suspect to join AEW. And the upstart promotion's Vice President Cody Rhodes just sent a public message to the likely terminal WWE Superstar.

A few hours after Dillinger shared his requested release with Twitter, Rhodes replied with the following message:

"Fearless. I can't wait to see what you do next," Rhodes wrote. "I wish you all the happiness in the world old friend. Don't settle."

While Rhodes never mentioned an AEW contract, it seems like an ideal place for Dillinger to land. Rhodes has long been a supporter of Dillinger, who while lacking main roster success has developed a cult following in WWE.

However, just because Dillinger asked for his release, that doesn't mean WWE will give it to him. The wrestling conglomerate reportedly has already denied the release of The Revival as well as Mike and Maria Kanellis in 2019, and they could easily do the same to Dillinger.

Here's Dillinger's original statement on the matter:

Before rumors begin to spread, let me set things straight ahead of time:

This evening, I requested my release from WWE. In the past 5 and a half years with them, I have seen and done some wonderful things. Things that I am very proud of and will never forget. I have met and have worked with unquestionably, some of the greatest talent on this earth and the pleasure has been all mine.

I feel at this time this decision, as extremely difficult as it was, is what is best for myself and WWE. I wish to continue to grow as a performer and offer those paying hard earned money to watch a show I'm performing on, a little more of myself.

To the male and female locker rooms, coaches and producers, to the production/ring crew, all the way up to the very top of WWE and most of all the fans...I wish you all the very best and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.

Dillinger's pending free agency will be yet another mini-drama between AEW and WWE. While Rhodes has explicitly stated that AEW does not intend to become competition, it's inherently beginning to draw interest from WWE Superstars. With the arrival of names like Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, along with the backing of the Khan Family, AEW has instantly become North America's second-best option for wrestlers.