The Latest on AJ Lee and WWE Evolution

Despite rumors and reports to the contrary, there are currently no plans for former WWE Diva's [...]

Despite rumors and reports to the contrary, there are currently no plans for former WWE Diva's Champion AJ Lee to appear at October's Evolution PPV.

The woman who was at one time the longest reigning Diva's Champion in history would certainly make for an intriguing pick to bring back at the company's first-ever all women's PPV show. WWE recently put up a poll asking fans who they would most like to see make a return at the event. AJ won the poll quite handily.

Even so, this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the odds of an appearance by the former champion are slim to none. As of last word, a deal seems to be near impossible to put together given recent events involving Lee's husband, CM Punk.

Punk defeated WWE doctor Chris Amann in a lawsuit back in June and clearly still has a lot of bad blood with the WWE. Bringing back his wife, despite the fact that she did continue to work for WWE following Punk's exit in 2014, would be more than a little bit awkward.

Punk fully believes that WWE was bank rolling the court case between he and Amann, which caused Punk fiscal as well as personal pain. The case appears to have done irreversible damage to the friendship between Punk and Colt Cabana. If the lawsuit had never happened, the duo would in all likelihood remain friends. It's easy to see where this would be yet another reason Punk and anyone close to him would not consider a return to the company.

All of this being said, this is still a company that found a way to bring back Bret Hart and the Ultimate Warrior. "Never say never" is always an applicable term in pro wrestling, and we're sure to get some surprises at Evolution. Just don't bet on AJ Lee being one of them.