Report: WWE's Plans to Host Live Events Again Gets Pushed Back

WWE hasn't held an event in front of a live audience since early March due to the coronavirus [...]

WWE hasn't held an event in front of a live audience since early March due to the coronavirus pandemic. And based on the latest reports, it sounds like the company will have to wait a while longer before it can get back to a normal schedule. According to @WrestleVotes WWE has given up on trying to host SummerSlam anywhere other than the Performance Center, and now September is being viewed as the target month to run shows with crowds.

Despite the number of cases continuing to climb in Florida, WWE actually had an 8,000-seat arena in Lakeland booked for July 24 and 27 television tapings. But by the end of June those plans were scrapped.

Pro Wrestling Sheet reported earlier this week that WWE has conducted roughly 1,500 coronavirus tests since the end of last month, and more than 30 positive cases have popped up. The only four that are confirmed are Renee Young, Kayla Braxton, Adam Pearce and Jamie Noble, though the positive cases do include active wrestlers.

Several wrestlers have opted out of work due to the pandemic, most notably former world champion Roman Reigns. He recently explained in an interview with The Hindu why he made the choice to stop wrestling.

"The company (WWE) has done everything that they can to make it the safest work environment possible. It is not the workplace that I was necessarily concerned about," Reigns explained. "The decision was taken mainly because each performer travels so much, and we are all such a diverse group and from all over the place. I'm not convinced, and I can't trust the fact that everybody is taking it as seriously and locking themselves down at home like I am. I trust my life with my co-workers every time I step foot in the ring, but I just can't put the same trust when it has my children, my wife and my family involved.

"But I don't want it to come off as I am taking a stand against the company at all, because I love the WWE. I've been a part of this company just since I was a little boy," he added. "That's why I always take it so personally when I represent them."