WWE's Ronda Rousey Becomes SmackDown Women's Champion at Extreme Rules

It was time for the SmackDown Women's Championship match at WWE Extreme Rules between Champion Liv Morgan and Ronda Rousey, and neither competitor held back. Both stars were hit with numerous baseball bat strikes, and Rousey would hit Morgan several times with her belt while Liv would slam Rousey through a table. Rousey was able to switch between submission holds throughout the match for some near falls, and ultimately that would win her the match, as she switched an armbar into a bicep crusher, which caused Morgan to pass out and give her the win. Morgan was still smiling though after the match, so it seems we'll get a new version of Liv sometime soon. In the meantime, Rousey is your new SmackDown Women's Champion.

Morgan evaded Rousey and went for a bat but Rousey caught her and pushed her back. Then she hit a knee to the midsection and twisted Morgan and bent back her legs. Morgan got the bat but Rousey countered another move and then rolled it out of the ring. Morgan hit with strikes and Rousey went for an ankle lock but Morgan got out of it and connected with a knee strike.

That sent Rousey out of the ring but after a baseball slide Rousey caught her in between the ring skirt and the ring. Morgan shouted at Rousey and Rousey slapped her and then Morgan went to find something under the ring. Rousey grabbed the bat but when she went for Morgan she was hit with the fire extinguisher. Then Morgan grabbed Rousey but she hit a Piper's Pit and slammed Morgan to the floor.

Rousey then waited for Morgan and hit her with the bat right in the stomach, and then she hit her again with the bat several times. Morgan dodged a swing by Rousey and then connected with a kick to the side of the head, knocking the bat out of her hand. Morgan then hit Rousey several times with the bat, but Rousey distracted her and hit her with the strap on her Gi several times. Then she tied Morgan to the post and beat her leg with the bat, but Morgan then threw Rousey into the steel steps, buying herself some time.

Morgan put a table into the ring and then stomped on Rousey's knee and leg in the corner. Then she went to set up the table in the corner but Rousey slammed Morgan's head into it several times and followed it up with a step-up knee strike. Rousey then used the ropes and put pressure on Morgan's neck, back, and head. Rousey switched up the hold and kept using the ropes to lock in an armbar, but Morgan managed to get free after falling from the ropes.

Rousey went after Morgan but she was hit with a chair. Then Morgan set up the chair in the corner of the ring and Rousey rolled herself in. Rousey reversed a move but the chair fell off the corner. Then Morgan went for a move but it didn't land correctly and she went for it again, but this time it worked, sending Rousey into the post. Then Morgan hit a Code Red using a chair and went for the cover, but Rousey kicked out.

Morgan picked up the table and set it up in the ring. Morgan put Rousey on the table and then went up top and landed a huge move that sent Rousey through the table. She went for a cover but Rousey kicked out and then she went for an armbar but Morgan picked her up and slammed her back down to break it. Then Rousey locked in another hold and Morgan was trying to fight her off.

Morgan was knocked down to one knee and Rousey rocked in a biceps crusher, and Morgan was smiling as she passed out. She didn't tap, but the match was called, and Ronda Rousey is your new SmackDown Women's Champion. Afterward Liv could be seen smiling with a slightly devilish grin, but we're not sure what to make of that yet.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!