WWE's Roman Reigns Delivers Brutal Beatdown to Mysterios on SmackDown

After the referee missed that Jimmy Uso's shoulder was not on the mat when he was pinned earlier [...]

After the referee missed that Jimmy Uso's shoulder was not on the mat when he was pinned earlier in the episode, The Usos got a rematch for the Tag Team Championships in the main event of the same show. With Roman Reigns watching from backstage, the bell rang and early on it was all Usos. The Usos went after Dominik full force, working together to keep him grounded and away from Rey. Jey made a dive and hit Dominik, knocking him to the ground. Jey had Dominik grounded back in the ring and went for the pin, but Dominik kicked out.

Jey continued to wear him down, but Dominik countered and threw Jey into the turnbuckle. Dominik crawled towards Rey, and he made the tag, but so did Jey. Jimmy and Rey were in, and Rey was all over Jimmy, hitting him with a splash but Jimmy kicked out of the ensuing pin.

Jimmy managed to halt Rey's momentum and tag Jey in, but Rey broke that up and slid into Jey and then hit a big splash on Jey on the outside of the ring. Rey looked tired at this point, but he had enough energy to dodge Jey's attack, which sent him into the post.

Rey was back in the ring and went to work on Jimmy, hitting a 619 and tagging Dominik in. Dominik looked tired too, crawling to the top rope, but Roman interfered, throwing Dominik off the turnbuckle. The bell rang signaling the DQ, and then Reigns chewed into The Usos for losing twice in a night.

Then he speared Rey and threw him outside of the ring, but he wasn't done. He grabbed the steel steps and slammed them into Dominik's face, and then dragged the steps over to Rey, slamming him in the face and sending him flying. He then threw Rey over the barricade and went to make an example of Dominik, putting him into the guillotine. Jimmy then told Reisns that was enough and let him go.

Jimmy then walked out of the ring and told Jey to come on, saying to Reigns not like this. He left the ring and called for Jey, but as Jey walked towards him Reigns stepped in front of him and locked eyes with him, and Jey seemed to cower. Reigns then walked back over to Dominik and started beating him down again, and that's when SmackDown came to a close.

That was an epic ending, but what did you think? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things WWE with me on Twitter @MattAguilarcb!