WWE: Stephanie McMahon Confirms Long Held Myth About Vince McMahon

Over the years the legend of WWE's top guru Vince McMahon has grown immeasurably, and at times it [...]

Over the years the legend of WWE's top guru Vince McMahon has grown immeasurably, and at times it can be difficult to sort out what is a rumor or ridiculous theory and what is actual fact. One of those many myths has recently been confirmed however thanks to Stephanie McMahon, who in a recent interview with Dan 'Big Cat' Katz from Barstool Sports' podcast The Corp revealed the truth behind a legend revolving around sneezing. The legend went that McMahon hates it when people sneeze around him, and it turns out there's some truth to that after all.

Katz asked McMahon if she ever sneezed around her father, to which McMahon replied "Totally. Yes." When Katz asked if Vince hates her for it when it happens, she shot that down, though she did admit he isn't a fan of sneezing in general (via Ringside News).

"He doesn't hate me for it but it's always with like a grrr, a grimace. But on the flip side, I've been around when he has sneezed."

When Katz said "that's got to be embarrassing for him", McMahon said "A little bit that he can't control. Well it's just because he doesn't like anything he can't control. The fact that he can't control the sneeze is very...makes him upset."

That kind of fits with his character over the years, as evidently Vince is hardly ever not working, and seems to have a hand in just about everything that takes place in his ring, whether it's during a Monday Night Raw or SmackDown Live or a pay-per-view or House Show. Sneezes meanwhile just do not care about clocking in or getting approval, so that would assuredly annoy him greatly.

McMahon's empire will enter a new era soon with the debut of SmackDown Live on FOX, while Monday Night Raw stays on USA. NXT will be making a move of its own as it moves to USA, though McMahon by reports will continue to be hands-off with that brand, as Triple H leads that ship.