WWE's Fallon Henley and Jaida Parker Win Spots in NXT Women's North American Title Match at Battleground

Fallon Henley and Jaida Parker join Sol Ruca and Lash Legend in the NXT Women's North American Title match

Two more spots in the WWE NXT Women's North American Championship ladder match have been claimed, and both qualifying matches could've gone either way. Tonight's NXT featured two matches to secure spots in the match at NXT Battleground, including Thea Hail vs Fallon Henley and Jaida Parker vs Brinley Reece, and the winners would join Sol Ruca, Lash Legend, and two to-be-determined opponents in the match. Hail vs Henley definitely included some bad blood, but it would be Henley securing her spot in the match. Reece vs Parker was a thriller, but Reece couldn't overcome Parker, who also secured her spot in the match at Battleground.

In the first match, Hail went after Fallon's arm and shoulder early, trying to wear it down. Henley continued to try and get free and finally managed to do so but then walked into a strike, kick, and slam combination. Henley started clicking with some offense of her own, including that trademark side kick into a cover attempt, but Hail kicked out. Henley went for a hold and got it locked in, putting pressure on Hail's shoulder and wrist, but Hail bought some breathing room and slammed Henley down with an arm drag and a suplex.

Hail then collided with Henley on the outside with a dive, and then the two got back in the ring and exchanged strikes and kicks. They started trading momentum until Hail hit a springboard slam into a pin attempt, but Henley kicked out. Henley threw Hail off and got up top, but Hail met her there and tried to hit a suplex.

Somehow Hail reversed a move and almost locked in a Kimora. Henley was able to break it by slamming her into the barricade, and then Henley caught Hail with a kick that brought the match to a close, earning her the victory.

In the second match, Reece was aggressive from the very start, showcasing her speed. Reece locked Parker down with a hold and then weathered a comeback attempt from Parker. Parker was able to turn things around though with a kick to the midsection as Reece dove from the top rope, and Parker didn't let up, delivering vicious strikes in the corner before knocking Reece down with authority from the ropes. The two reversed roll-up attempts and then Parker tried a pin but Reece kicked out.

Parker slowed Reece down with a hold in the center of the ring, but Reece was able to get free and hit a few running tackles to get back in the fight. A monster clothesline followed, but Parker kicked out of the pin. Blade and Enofe came to the ring to show their support, but that might have done more harm than good, as Parker picked up Reece and threw her down before hitting a hip check into a pin. That was the final blow, as Parker moves on to the big match at NXT Battleground.

Are you excited for the match? You can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!