New Website Helps Plan Your Next Pokemon Vacation to Japan

Have you ever wanted to check out all the Pokemon sights and events in Japan, but the language [...]

Have you ever wanted to check out all the Pokemon sights and events in Japan, but the language barrier kept you from doing so? Good news, Pokemon Masters in training! Pokemon Local Acts, which catalogs all these things, has opened up an English-language version of the website for anyone looking to plan out their stops in the country -- assuming they're only interested in Pokemon-related tourism.

Pokemon Local Acts, which you can check out here, includes a list of events where Pokemon collaborates with various prefectures as they're announced and keeps track of which Pokemon serve as "Ambassadorial Pokemon" for various areas. For example, the website notes that Geodude officially serves as the "Iwate Support Pokemon" and has since May, having been appointed to help support the area's reconstruction.

Here's how Pokemon Local Acts describes itself on its website:

"Pokémon Local Acts aims to promote Japan's various localities by highlighting their well-known and not so well-known charms. The fun activities and initiatives are designed to bring out the best in the partnering prefectures and municipalities, and involve help from 'Ambassadorial Pokémon,' whose characteristics match those of their respective localities."

The website also includes a gallery of images as well as a detailed map of Poke Lids, utility hole covers with Pokemon art on them that can be found at specific locations in Japan. The entire lot of them, like this one featuring a female Pikachu and a male Pikachu meeting, are incredibly adorable, and worth checking out.

What do you think of the English-language Pokemon Local Acts? Anything catch your eye for a potential vacation? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!

Pokemon Sword and Shield is scheduled to launch for Nintendo Switch on November 15th. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the Pokemon franchise right here.