The Flash: The Five Most WTF Moments in Flashpoint

Spoilers ahead for the season three premiere of The Flash, titled ‘Flashpoint.’While tonight’s […]

Spoilers ahead for the season three premiere of The Flash, titled “Flashpoint.”

Videos by ComicBook.com

While tonight’s episode of The Flash, titled “Flashpoint,” might not have had exactly the crazy, out-of-joint take on the DC Universe of its comic book counterpart, Barry Allen’s world was definitely thrown into upheaval.

To acknowledge the crazy ways this must have played with his head, we wanted to make a list of the biggest “WTF” moments from the world of Flashpoint (as told on The Flash).

Read on…!

Following the Season 3 premiere of The Flash, ComicBook.com will premiere its all new interactive after show series, Flashback, with special guest Teddy Sears. For more information on where to watch Flashback, click here!


After waiting two full seasons, we finally got a chance to see Wally West step up as Kid Flash — in an alternate reality, in a way that may or may not have any bearing on the events of the main Earth on The Flash.

Of course.

But it was a pretty great reveal in-story, and a definite WTF moment for Barry when he unmasked his stepbrother as the speedster who replaced him — even if as audience members we knew it was coming.


One of the few big plot points that wasn’t already spoiled by interviews and publicity, the near-death (and apparent de-powering) of the Flashpoint Universe’s Flash was a huge shock — and a scary moment, even if it wasn’t “our” Wally.

For Barry — who might up until just then have felt like he could still “keep” the benefits of Flashpoint, it had to be even more shocking.


I mean…you know it has to happen. 

But actually hearing Barry say it was heartbreaking, and seeing him go see his parents “one last time” was pretty hard on the audience.

It was even a little harder than it was in the comics, where all Barry had to do was go back in time and grab himself, preventing himself from stopping the Reverse-Flash. In the TV show, Barry had to actually deposit Thawne back where he got him and actively participate in his mom’s death.



The tease of Dr. Alchemy wasn’t a surprise — we saw the name scrawled on glass in the Comic Con trailer back in July.

What was pretty shocking is that it was Edward Clariss — the Earth-1 analog to The Rival — who was our point-of-view character when we saw it.

We have a theory on what all of this might mean — but more on that a little later tonight…!



Apparently, Barry broke the West family.

The most stable relationship on the show has always been the one between Joe, Barry, and Iris…and that’s been changed by the events of “Flashpoint,” apparently.

It isn’t clear exactly why the timeline shift has damaged the relationship between Joe and Iris — or how long it might take to repair. What’s probably pretty obvious is that things aren’t going to be great between Barry and the family once they figure out what brought all this on…!