It was announced a while back that Microsoft has added keyboard and mouse support to its Xbox One console, so that players could recreate the feel of PC-type controls with games like PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, among others. But one particular game from the publisher could be bound for the system in an effort to show other developers how it’s done.
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Following its announcement of the new Razer Turret keyboard with Xbox One specifically in mind at the Consumer Electronic Show this week, a listing on Razer’s website indicates that Gears Tactics, the upcoming role-playing entry in the series, would be coming to Xbox One. The game, currently in development at Splash Damage (in conjunction with Gears 5 developer The Coalition), was initially announced as an exclusive for Windows 10.
Gears Tactics was first announced last summer during Microsoft’s E3 showcase, in which it debuted alongside a quick glimpse of Gears Pop! and a new story trailer for Gears 5. Many fans assumed that the fifth chapter in the series would be the only one released for their beloved console, but that appears to no longer be the case.
Microsoft hasn’t said a word about the game coming to Xbox One just yet, still listing it as Windows 10 only. However, that could change now that keyboard and mouse support has ramped up for it, supported by games like Fortnite, Sea of Thieves, Warhammer: Vermintide II and several others.
The site also notes that Gears 5, whenever it releases later this year, will also have full keyboard and mouse support. Perhaps a decision was made by both Microsoft and The Coalition to bring Gears Tactics for the console as sort of a lead-in for what Gears 5 will have to offer.
Gears Tactics certainly looks like a lot of fun thus far, even though we haven’t seen too much of it in action yet. While it’s different from the usual run and gun gameplay that previous Gears games offered, it provides a great strategic twist that fans are sure to enjoy.
Gears Tactics currently doesn’t have a release date, but it is likely to release sometime this year. Microsoft should have more details on what’s going on in the Gears universe in the months ahead.
(Hat tip to Tic Games Network for the scoop!)
Are you more excited for Gears Tactics or Gears 5? Let me know on Twitter at @TheDCD!