First "Crisis on Infinite Earths" Details Revealed

Ever since the surprise announcement last fall that the eagerly-awaited 'Crisis on Infinite [...]

Ever since the surprise announcement last fall that the eagerly-awaited "Crisis on Infinite Earths" was finally coming to the Arrowverse, fans have been hungry for details about the massive multiverse-changing event. Now, some of those details are finally here.

At The CW's upfronts presentation today in New York, the first real details about the upcoming "Crisis on Infinite Earths" were revealed, including the first key art for the massive crossover event.

In terms of plot, not much was revealed in today's announcement, but we do know quite a bit more as to the mechanics of how it will play out, broadcast-wise.

The landmark "Crisis on Infinite Earths" will be a 5-hour event spread over two quarters. What that likely means is that the event will roll out presumably as midseason finales for the Arrowverse shows and then as midseason premieres -- though in the case of Arrow, which will end next season after 10 episodes, it may serve as a series finale as well. It also potentially means a major cliffhanger between those two quarters.

It was also revealed that "Crisis" will truly be a full, Arrowverse-wide event as it will include not just Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl, but Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman as well. As Legends sat out last year's "Elseworlds" event, their includsion in "Crisis" only drives home how impactful the event will be on the Arrowverse and is sure to excite fans.

"Crisis on Infinite Earths" is an event that Arrowverse fans have been hoping for since The Flash's pilot episode. In that episode, a newspaper headline from the future -- 2024 specifically -- teased Barry Allen's apparent death in a "crisis" with red skies. It's a thread that the series picked up again this last season when Barry and Iris' daughter from the future, Nora, revealed a second newspaper headline from 2049 revealing more details about the mysterious event. However, all of that changed in Tuesday's Season 5 finale of The Flash where audiences saw the date on the original "crisis" newspaper suddenly roll back from 2024 to 2019.

"When I first read the pilot, and then I saw the pilot, I always assumed that that fight would be the series finale," The Flash showrunner Todd Helbing told previously "So yeah, I like it a lot, moving it up. Look, there are so many things we can do after that. I think it's a nice way to get to that sooner than later, and it has changed my view of the show. I think it actually sort of is going to inject a new sense of energy into the show, which in a season-six show you always want. I think the timing is perfect."

Are you excited for "Crisis on Infinite Earths"? Let us know in the comments below.


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