Zazie Beetz Hopes Disney Continues To Honor Fox's Audience Base With Deadpool

In the wake of Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox and many other entertainment assets, many [...]

In the wake of Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox and many other entertainment assets, many fans are eager to find out how the X-Men franchise will be incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But with the traditional series wrapping up with X-Men: Dark Phoenix next month, the topic of conversation will be what to do with Deadpool.

The first two films were rated R, but Fox did test the waters with a PG-13 version released over the holidays. So now that Deadpool is under the Disney banner, will they force Ryan Reynolds to tone it down? Domino actress Zazie Beetz hopes not, speaking with CineXpress at Puerto Rico Comic Con.

"I hope that Disney, you know, they have a different audience base than Fox. And so I hope that they continue to honor Fox's audience base. The thing is, I don't really know," Beetz explained. "There's a reason why Deadpool does well, it's because it speaks to an audience that enjoys the playfulness of life and not shying away from harder jokes and harder stuff and adult content. And I think that is important in this superhero universe, yes, you have it for the children but there should be something fun for the adults as well. I like that about Deadpool."

It seems likely that Beetz will get her wish and that the Deadpool franchise will remain in its own little bubble, just under the guidance of Marvel Studios moving forward. Producer Kevin Feige has already spoken about his love for the character, indicating that fans don't need to worry about future films being toned down.

"When we were purchased, [Disney Chairman Bob Iger] said to us, 'if it's not broke, don't fix it,'" Feige recently told Variety. "There's no question that Deadpool is working, so why would we change it?"

Feige's not wrong, as the two movies have combined to gross over $1.5 billion at the box office. So they'll likely continue to tap into that well, but with the resources of Marvel Studios to help improve the product.

Now that Avengers: Endgame has premiered in theaters and the deal has been finalized, Feige and Reynolds can get to work on determining just what the future of the Deadpool franchise will be — whether that's X-Force, Deadpool 3, or something else entirely.