Dragon Ball Super‘s manga has been taking on the job of expanding the series mythos while the anime is on hiatus – and fans have been (by and large) loving the results. The current “Galactic Patrol Prisoner” arc may be approaching its finale, but that hasn’t stopped some exciting new developments from taking place. In chapter 55 of the manga, both Goku and Vegeta have their respective new training regiments interrupted by the threat of evil sorcerer Moro, who is on his way to annihilate the Earth. In the case of Vegeta, the Saiyan Prince has to battle one of Moro’s henchmen on Planet Yardrat – an opponent who reveals a powerful transformation!
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WARNING: Dragon Ball Super Chapter 55 SPOILERS Follow!
Moro has the prisoners he sprung from Galactic Patrol prison (known as the “Galactic Bandit Brigade”) going out and scouring the universe, searching for planets full of life that Moro can suck dry. One of those scouting/looting squads ends up on Yardrat, where they see little opposition to their villainous plans. That all changes when Vegeta steps up to fight. However, Moro’s forces aren’t intimidated, as their ranks include a powerful fighter named Yuzun, who comes with a unique power set.
As we learn during the battle with Vegeta, Yuzun can transform from a glam humanoid alien into a monstrous form that looks like a dinosaur. While in monster form, Yuzun is said to be unbeatable – but unfortunately, the villain arrives after Vegeta has been completing some revolutionary new training with the Yardratian people. Vegeta’s Galick Gun blast turns out to be so powerful now that he wipes out an entire abandoned city; when Yuzun transforms and boasts that he’s about to annihilate his opponents, Vegeta ends up showing the villain just how vulnerable he is, by delivering a brutal beatdown!
Facing humiliation and defeat, Yuzun tries to unleash his other special power: taking his Ki and infusing it into objects to make them more dense. The convict literally throws and entire building at Vegeta – not that it matters. Vegeta is able to easily volley the massive projectile back at Yuzun, forcing the villain to deflect it into the air. When Yuzun tries to escape with his cohorts on space shuttle, the vessel ends up crashing right into the hardened building that Yuzun himself threw into the air. As Vegeta remarks, “Hmph! So he killed himself.”
If the brief saga of Yuzun achieves anything, it’s showing just how much power Vegeta has amassed while training on Yardrat. Before, a magically-enhanced foe with strange powers and a nigh-invulnerable transformation might’ve given Vegeta a workout – but not anymore!
The Japanese-language and English dub releases of Dragon Ball Super are now complete and available to stream with FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. Viz Media is releasing new chapters of the manga at a monthly rate that can be read entirely for free through the Shonen Jump digital library, and Dragon Ball Super’s big movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Fans in Japan are also able to enjoy fresh non-canon adventures from the franchise with new episodes of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series.