Both Dragon Ball and One Piece have been vying for the top spot of Weekly Shonen Jump for decades, with the stories of Super Saiyans and Straw Hat Pirates being considered the most popular within the world of anime, and one fan has created artwork that seamlessly blends the two Shonen franchises together. With One Piece currently having reached its one-thousandth manga chapter, it’s clear that the war between Shonen manga franchises continues as a number of different series are attempting to come out on top among the glut of competition within the regularly released publication.
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The Z Fighters and the Straw Hat Pirates have met officially in the past, with the special anime episode titled “Dream 9“, which saw Luffy and Goku coming to blows, while also incorporating the lesser-known characters of the anime Toriko. Surprisingly, the battle between the captain of the Straw Hats and the most powerful warrior in the Z Fighters’ roster was fairly evenly matched, as Goku and Luffy never were able to quite determine who was the strongest warrior between the two Shonen protagonists. On top of this long-awaited battle, the 2013 special also had Dragon Ball and One Piece characters across the board meeting one another in this fictional battleground.
Reddit Artist SSJ_Codii imagined not only what the Dragon Ball Super characters would look like if they were to take on the attire and aesthetic of their One Piece counterparts in the Straw Hat Pirates, but also what their ship would look like if they were to sail across the world of the Grand Line:
Recently, the two Shonen titans recently came into contact with one another within the video game crossover, Jump Force, which also took an insane amount of characters from other franchises made famous originally by Weekly Shonen Jump, with the likes of My Hero Academia, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, and even Death Note being represented in the insane fighting game. While there are no current plans for a future crossover between the Saiyans and the Straw Hats, we’re crossing our fingers that before the end of Eiichiro Oda’s swashbuckling franchise within the next five years, the two popular anime properties will meet each other once again.
What do you think of this ingenious crossover between Dragon Ball and One Piece? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Shonen.