'Ga-Rei' To Get Live-Action Series From 'Thor: Ragnarok' Writer

If you thought Hollywood was done with its anime ambitions, then think again. It seems like Ga-Rei [...]

If you thought Hollywood was done with its anime ambitions, then think again. It seems like Ga-Rei is about to make its way to the U.S. with some help from the writer of Thor: Ragnarok.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Craig Kyle confirmed he is developing a live-action adaptation of Ga-Rei. The co-writer and Thor producer told fans about his new project at the Japan Content Showcase where he praised Japan for its "treasure trove" of stories.

"What it has more than anything is wonderful, wonderful characters," Kyle said. "That's the one component, above all else, that will guarantee a success if handled properly by those you entrust with those characters and the IP. Everyone who wants the next Game of Thrones, I will make the bold statement that Ga-Rei has that potential."

Kyle will be overseeing the project with Yugen Entertainment, a company he co-founded with partner Tim Connors. The pair said they are adapting Hajime Segawa's Ga-Rei and tell the story of two girls who are "destined to define the fate of the living and the dead." So far, Kyle says work is being done on the pilot as he fleshes out a character bible, hinting at the writer's plan to see the series go on for multiple seasons.

While the Marvel writer is known for his love of comics, Kyle did say he has a deep love for manga and anime. "I left Marvel with all my friends intact...I wanted to touch far more worlds than the ones I had been exposed to for 14 years," Kyle said. "The best place to find those great stories is here.... [Japan has] a treasure trove of material that you can pull from."

The writer also stressed that Japanese partners looking to have their series adapted in Hollywood should be picky. "A lot gets lost," Kyle said, nodding to the industry's failed attempts to adapt manga franchises. Kyle said Hollywood's dwindling pool of adaptation material has pointed its eye to Japan's trove of stories, and his work on Ga-Rei is one he hopes will set a new tone for how Hollywood approaches the medium moving forward.