JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure introduced its first female protagonist with the arrival of the Stone Ocean, and while the anime adaptation finally arrived onto Netflix late last year, but fans haven’t been happy with how the series has been handled by the streaming service. With the series set to return later this fall, there is one major thing that Netflix can do when it comes to “saving” the series and making sure that the adventures of Jolyne in Green Dolphin Street Penitentiary stay at the top of fans’ minds.
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One of the things that Netflix has a problem with when it comes to its series, anime or otherwise, is that it releases all the episodes it has on hand, rather than releasing them incrementally. While this may be beneficial to some viewers, it negates the idea of a community being able to absorb the individual episodes, talk about them, and then discuss what is coming next for the series. “JoJo Fridays” were a big part of the Joestar community during the previous seasons of the series, with the story of the Golden Wind for example being told over the course of thirty-nine weeks and letting viewers really dive into some of the big moments.
You’ll find many anime fans somewhat agreeing on the idea that Netflix’s current release schedule for JoJo fails to cut the mustard, as it appears to be dropping a dozen or so episodes at once, with nearly a year in-between them. While this might change for a third dump of episodes, which is most likely on the way considering that these upcoming installments won’t be able to cover all the events of the Stone Ocean, it’s a long time to ask fans to wait. While we had seen this style of release with Attack on Titan’s final season, you don’t see nearly as much blowback thanks in part to it being released on a weekly schedule.
WIth Hirohiko Araki set to take on a new chapter in his popular series via JoJo Lands and there still being two stories for the anime to adapt after Stone Ocean in Steelball Run and JoJolion, we’re hoping that Netflix is able to change things up when it comes to how we receive the upcoming installments following the Joestars.
Do you think Netflix will change how JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is released in the future? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.