Jujutsu Kaisen Introduces Sukuna's Original Form

Jujutsu Kaisen struck out with a new chapter this week, and of course, all eyes were on Gege Akutami ahead of the drop. The series creator has kept fans on their toes as of late thanks to some big Culling Game twists. Now, Jujutsu Kaisen has put out another milestone for readers, and this one involves Sukuna from way back in the day.

The update comes courtesy of Jujutsu Kaisen's most recent flashback, and we have Yorozu to thank. The old-school curse had made their infatuation with Sukuna clear. They went so far as to overtake Tsumiki's body to show their devotion, but as we learned this week, not even love could save Yorozu from death. Sukuna made a killing blow against the curse while inhabiting Megumi's body, so it seems the boy was forced to kill Tsumiki as well.

Before all of this bloodshed went down, we did get a quieter moment featuring Yorozu in the past. It was there fans watched as Yorozu met with Sukuna and fell in love. Of course, fans were excited to see what Sukuna looked like back in the day, and the King of Curses is hard to recognize. If it wasn't for his distinct tattoo markings, well – we may have never figured it out.

After all, Sukuna looked nothing like we know. The Jujutsu Kaisen Manga shows Sukuna with jagged slicked hair, and he seems to have two faces. One half of his face is relatively normal while the other is littered with strange features. Sukuna is still buff here, but of course, we can see he has four arms in this shot. So even though Sukuna liked to bait Yuji about his soft looks, the curse looked better with the hero than he did thousands of years ago.

Clearly, OG Sukuna is on another level compared to what we've seen in Jujutsu Kaisen so far, but that won't always be the case. The King of Curses has been nerfed pretty intensely since the series began. Yuji was able to keep a solid lock on Sukuna, but the curse is freer now than ever after taking over Megumi's body. The boy has little hope of overcoming Sukuna's control to retake his body. But if we know Yuji, he will not let his friend be taken advantage of for long...!

What do you think of Sukuna's look here? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.