My Hero Academia Confirms All For One Killed a Student's Father

My Hero Academia is working through its final act, and that means all sorts of secrets are coming to light. While Izuku and Shigaraki face off on their own time, the rest of our heroes are taking time to throw down with All For One. The baddie is desperate for an escape route, but even Japan's heroes-in-training will not let the mastermind out of sight until they hash out their beef. And as we learned this week, one of our hero students wants revenge in the wake of their father's murder.

Yes, you read that right. All For One killed one of our hero's parents. The whole ordeal took place during his escape from Tartarus, so if you recall details from the manga's previous arcs, you can figure out which hero is down a father.

Sadly, Seiji from Shiketsu High School is the one who lost their father to All For One's hand. You may remember the hero talked at length about his father when we met him during the Primarily License Exam arc. Seiji said he was very inspired by his dad at that time and that he even wanted to go to Shiketsu because their uniform was similar to the one required of Tartarus guards. Now, we know Seiji's dad was killed while trying to prevent All For One from escaping, so you can see why the boy wants revenge.

Even still, it seems Seiji is not giving in to that base need. He may want to avenge his dad, but the haughty hero knows payback will get him nowhere. "I would like nothing more than to kill him and avenge my father, but alas. As a prison guard, my dad set out to protect. I shall take up his mantle," he reveals.

Obviously, we know All For One has killed a lot of folks including Nana Shimura, but this latest confirmation hits home hard. Our heroes have been through hell, and that goes double for those in Japan's hero studies. The students have sacrificed so much, and now one of them has lost their father. Such a loss rings loudly now that it is hitting our favorites close to home. And sadly, All For One is likely going to kill more before his reign is brought to an end.

Do you think Seiji should get the chance to use his quirk on All For One when all is said and done? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.