
Man of Steel Trailer: Five New Questions Raised

The latest trailer for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot Man of Steel will hit theaters this week […]
Man Of Steel TV Spot #3 Zod

The latest trailer for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot Man of Steel will hit theaters this week ahead of prints of The Hanover Part III – but it debuted online tonight, giving fans a look at a number of the film’s big action components as well as a sense for how Amy Adams will be used as Lois Lane–it looks like she might have been serious about having a blaster gun after all!We’re trying to approach this trailer with what we already know, based on interviews, other trailers and the Man of Steel prequel comic book released over the weekend.Interestingly, that comic gave us quite a bit of fodder to explore some of the odder edges of the trailer.

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