Not long ago, Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg left Justice League of America’s Vibe in close succession, saying nothing about why, and different readers had very different reactions. Some felt that the big-name, big-price-tag talent was simply deserting a book that had little chance of selling enough to justify keeping them on, while others suspected the pair had a project in the works together.Lending some credence to that last thought was the fact that Johns’s friend Sterling Gates took over the title, presumably giving Johns a bit of a window into the process and a backdoor way to keep an eye on the series (although that’s far from guaranteed; it could just be that Gates was available at the time).It now appears as though the pair may have left Vibe to work on The Flash together for The CW Network; they’re introducing the character in a season two episode of Kreisberg’s Arrow and will use him a couple of more times throughout the rest of the season before he gets a “backdoor pilot” in the season’s twentieth episode, leading into what the network hopes is a new series in the fall of 2014.
Flash TV Series Details: No Smallville/Arrow-Style Evasion; He’s The Flash
Not long ago, Geoff Johns and Andrew Kreisberg left Justice League of America’s Vibe in close […]